Monday, June 6, 2011

Hair removal crotex cream

You can find our website if you type such queries as remove unwanted hair into a search engine.
Results of a recent poll showed that approximately 75% of our clients came across our website after they typed a query into a search engine; about 15% of customers visit our website after having clicked on a link from another web resource, and the other 10% heard about the Crotex cream from their friends and relatives. If your friends helped you discover our wonderful product, it is likely that you shared your opinion about the cream with them. You can also call or email us by “” to provide feedback about the product after you used it. This page contains emails from our clients. All emails were translated into English, certain sentences and words might have slightly different meanings.

Please note that authors of the emails provided permission for the emails to be put on the website. We value your trust and respect your confidentiality rights and we will never publish your email here without permission. If you are an author of one of the emails below and you no longer want it to be on this page for any reason at all, please contact us by email “”.
Sent by (Lindsay Ward), 32, the USA,
Dear Crotex representative!
This morning I was sorting boxes in my garage, and then I came across the Crotex mailing package. Based upon date on postage, I received the Crotex 14 months ago. I remember reading that those who try the Crotex cream “will forget about the hair removal problem forever”. I read it on your website about half a year ago. At that time it was like a cheesy exaggerated marketing phrase. I don’t remember exactly why I decided to try the cream and sure thing I was in doubt as to whether I would get the result you promised. I used to shave every couple days and then hairs grew back again, I had to shave again. I am a working mom of a demanding son. It was very inconvenient to spend about half an hour removing hair every couple days. Nevertheless, I work in customer service, I have to look good that’s why I have to do that even though it’s a pain in the rear end. Yeah I could’ve gone to a professional beauty salon, but it was scary ‘cause I am really afraid of pain.
When I received the Crotex, I applied it onto legs, armpits and bikini area. It felt quite strange that hairs didn’t grow back during the first three weeks but I thought it was just a temporary thing. Then I stopped thinking about it, I got used to the fact that I don’t have to shave anymore! I never talked to my friends about hair removal during the last year and I literally put it out of my mind! I really forgot of how it felt to shave every couple days! It’s funny how that phrase which rose doubts the most actually came true. :-)
When I found the Crotex mailing package today, it had a discount card inside. Obviously, I don’t need the Crotex anymore. My sister graduates from a college in April, I think about sending her a cream pot of Crotex if it’s not too late to place an order for the next batch. It turns out pretty good that the next batch of the Crotex cream will be ready on May 2 ‘cause my sister is done her exams in the end of April, so the Convocation will take place in the end of May and I can make the gift at that time. When I ordered the Crotex cream for myself, it got delivered in 3 or 4 months after I filled an order in, and this time it’s gonna be much better in regards to time. However, I would like to ask you something. I am not sure if people write you anything like that but I hope you won’t refuse me. The thing is my sister lives more than 1500 miles far from me. When the Crotex cream gets delivered to me, it will be the end of May and I will wrap it and send her the package then she will only get it in the middle of June. That’s not how I would want it to be. I want her to receive it in the end of May. However, if I fill her address in as a mailing address, then I won’t be able to wrap it nicely. Could you please wrap it in green wrapping paper (she likes green)?
Sent by Claus Weber, Germany, asked us not to display his email.
(Background: Felicie is a customer service representative who talked to Claus. Half a year before the email below was written, Claus called Felicie to ask a couple questions about the Crotex cream. Four months after Claus received his package with the Crotex, Felicie emailed him to ask for his opinion about the cream. Here is what Claus responded Felicie.)
Hi Felicie!
Yeah, I successfully removed facial hair as I planned. Facial skin is still soft, hair doesn’t grow back. The Crotex cream really helped me :)
Sent by Justina Kaczmarek, Poland, asked us not to display her email.
Today I visited your website and found a testimonials webpage. When I ordered the Crotex cream, the webpage wasn’t there. And today I read the page and decided to write you an email to share my thoughts on the Crotex cream. You may add my email to the testimonials page as well, but please don’t show my email.
Today my daughter and I ordered the Crotex cream for her on your website, now we can’t wait to receive it. I got the Crotex two months ago. Neither me, nor my daughter actually believed that it would effectively remove hair for ever ‘cause it’s just cream! Nowadays, you can’t believe anyone, miracles don’t happen. I applied the cream onto skin Friday evening. A week after, I noticed that there were no new hairs, they stopped growing. I called my daughter and she told me that it was too early to celebrate. “Well, yeah, it has only been a week,” I thought. We decided that if hair doesn’t resume growing within two months, then it is likely that it will never grow back. Every day within those two months I ticked a box with today’s date in my wall calendar. Yesterday I ticked the last box which means that it had been two months even since I applied the cream and hairs didn’t grow back. I called my daughter. She came visit me today and we ordered the Crotex for her! It’s so nice to realize that I was actually right when I decided to try the Crotex. I look forward to trying other amazing skin care products which you will come up with.
Justina Kaczmarek