Saturday, May 28, 2011

Revitol Hair Removal Cream Review

Revitol Hair Removal Cream Review

Ally Gilbert's Reviews

There are many hair removal creams out on the market all of which make big, ambitious claims about permanently eliminating hair forever.
It would be wonderful if it was this easy! The truth is that depilatory hair remover creams are not a universal permanent solution to body hair removal despite what the manufactures say.
It is true that if you use creams for a prolonged period of time, there is a reasonable chance your hair will stop growing back. These experiences are not uncommon and it is quite possible you maybe one of the lucky ones.
However for the rest of us, what depilatories do is gently dissolve the hair just beneath the skin which inhibits its regrowth and therefore offer a long term (for most people 7 – 10 weeks) solution to hair removal.

For people like me seeking a more effective alternative to the miseries of waxing and shaving, this is a godsend.
However, the major reason why people like myself – who have a low pain threshold and don’t have the time or money to invest in expensive spa treatment or home hair removal kits – swear by hair removal creams is that they are very easy to use and above all completely painless.
Or at least they should be! I have tested all the depilatory creams which are currently on the market and have been shocked at some of the results. Although I am not very good with pain, I have never thought of my skin as sensitive and yet I have experienced skin burns, rashes, ingrown hairs, horrible smells and worst of all creams which just simply don’t work, and all of these with some of the biggest names on sale.
Why have I chosen Revitol Hair Removal Cream as my number one hair inhibitor?
Quite simply, because it does what a depilatory cream should do better than any other product on the market.
Let me tell you about the most important factor first:

Rave Reviews: Revitol is the First Hair Inhibitor I’ve found to be Completely Pain Free

During my first few sessions I felt a very slight tingling sensation which was more ticklish than painful and completely vanished by the third treatment. After this, I have never experienced so much as a whimper.
This is no small thing and for me it was a big surprise as none of the Revitol hair removal cream reviews I had read mentioned this. After months of having to be comforted by my husband as I lay on the living room floor with yet another rash or burn, it was such a relief to find a product which does what depilatories were designed to do – offers a pain free solution to hair removal.
This is not just a fluke nor had my skin become so accustomed to corrosive depilatories that I had become immune to their effects. Revitol Hair Removal Cream does not have the strong acidic chemicals of other more well known creams on the market and includes natural ingredients such as aloe vera, green tea extract and Vitamins A and E. These work in conjunction with the enzyme which inhibits hair growth to produce soft, smooth, silky skin which is completely hair free.
Better yet, because of the cream’s natural moisturizing ingredients, I have never needed to use skin lotions after treatment; my skin always feels healthy and refreshed. This was a very welcome surprise as I always had to moisturize after treatment even with those creams which didn’t burn and this has saved me a fair few dollars on additional moisturizing products.

Revitol Hair Removal Cream Reviews

Revitol Hair Remover Cream is Easy to Use

You simply apply it to the area you want to treat, lie back with a magazine or in front of the TV and then wipe it off 15 minutes later. It couldn’t be simpler and it is only really the NO NO which rivals Revitol for ease of use. If you want to check out my NO NO Hair Removal Reviews, just click on the link.
Most other Revitol hair removal reviews suggest rubbing the cream in but I have had much better results just placing a thin layer on my skin and leaving it without any rubbing. Of course you should also always treat a small test area before you embark on a full scale treatment.
Revitol recommend you leave the cream on for between 15 – 20 minutes. This is slightly longer than other depilatories but I would personally much prefer 10 minutes reading HELLO! than five minutes in searing agony.

Revitol can be Used Everywhere

I have used it on every part of my body including sensitive areas and those places where is it almost impossible to wax.
My back, shoulders, abdomen, arms, underarms, hands, legs, feet, toes, bikini line, face, chin, upper lip and even my eyebrows have benefited from treatment and without any irritation or complaints.

A Depilatory Cream Which Removes Hair in the Long Term

I have now been using Revitol Depilatory Cream for five months on my legs, bikini line and face. It took 3 weeks of use before the hair was gone and once I stopped applying it, 7 weeks past before my hair grew back, which is bang on the average.
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this was like a miracle. Imagine not having worry about redness or skin bumps from shaving for nearly 2 months. Bliss!
As an added bonus, the hair on my legs which is quite thick and coarse, was much softer and finer when it eventually grew back and I only needed to complete less than 1 week of treatment before the hair was gone again.
Revitol Hair Removal Cream Reviews

Quick Shipping

The people over at Revitol are helpful and efficient and their shipping service is very quick (within a couple of days). This is very handy as it’s easy to forget to re-order the cream after 12 weeks of being hair free! To avoid this, there is also an auto shipment option which ships a new batch to you automatically a regular intervals.
I also should mention that they never run out of product since it is their own. This is a problem I’ve found with other websites which accept your order and only afterwards notify you that it will take 14 days for the product to be dispatched. Be careful!

Revitol Review: Are There Any Negatives?

Like every product, Revitol does have it’s downsides. Firstly, there is a slight odor to it which some people may find off putting. This is much less potent than any other cream I’ve tried and was easily removed with a scented candle. Secondly, it can get a little messy if you are not careful and I recommend putting down a sheet or towel if you are planning on treating yourself in your bedroom or living room.
It is also slightly more expensive than other depilatory creams and it would be nice if tubes were larger. Nonetheless, when I consider how much I have saved on moisturizing lotions the added cost becomes minimal particularly after I discovered the product actually worked.
Aside from these three points, it is difficult for me to find fault with Revitol.
Within the field of hair remover products, depilatory creams are designed to fulfill a specific need for a specific type of customer – someone who is looking for a long term, pain free, easy to use solution to hair removal.
When compared to other creams, Revitol Hair Removal Cream easily wins the day and I’m very happy to give it my seal of approval.