Bikini line hair removal
The pain was enough to make my heart ready to jump out of my chest, my eyes watering, my hair getting up, my feet going cold, and red and black spots pulsing in my eyes. When I glanced down there I thought I have spilled some wine, only then I realized it was blood! I am a brave girl, but I was screaming for Novocain. And the sound of metal rotating tweezers didn’t make it better for me either. Never again! Never again!
Using an epilator on the hair that has been shaved is very painful (especially bikini and underarms). When frequently shaved the hair becomes thicker. Using an epilator on that hair is a torture. It will be less painful if you start using the epilator after your hair has been waxed at least once. Epilating makes your hair thinner and easier to remove, thus causes less pain in the future.
Although, after three uses the pain wasn’t diminishing for me, so I buried my epilator at the bottom drawer (…only now I think as an electric device it probably wanted a cremation better…hm).
Lessons learnt:
1. You need the hair to be of a certain length before you can epilate.
2. Make sure that you pull the skin tight. This prevents snagging and makes the hair removal treatment less painful.
3. Epilators are better to use after having a warm shower or bath as it opens the pores and the process is not so painful.
4. Epilators can cause bruises if you don’t hold them at the right angle.
5. You should not go tanning for a day or two after epilating.
do you have any iaders on what i could do to bring myself to using an epilator or what i can do to pull the strip quick???
I would still recomend wax! It is more gentle for your skin! And less pain I have to say.
Make sure to generously apply the wax. And be aware that it dries extremely quickly and is awful to get off once it’s gone hard. Make it small areas, with generous amount of wax, and don’t wait too long. If you don’t want to go to the professional, apply wax only on the flat areas, so you don’t hurt yourself with hot wax and don’t damage sensitive skin.
Hey, I’m sure you can do it! The good thing is that when you get used to it, it doesn’t hurt that bad anymore:)