Underarm Laser Hair Removal
Repeatedly shaving the underarms makes the area prone to ingrown hairs, cysts and razor burn. Laser hairremoval by Ideal Image is the solution for unwanted hair. First the hair is destroyed from underneath the skin, and sheds out completely. Afterwards the pores in the skin close, leaving only smooth sexy skin. No more shaving, waxing, ingrown hairs, razor burns and no more "5 O'clock shadow." Treating the underarms literally only takes minutes and you can get started with your first treatment on the day you purchase!
Arm Laser Hair Removal
Are you bothered by the presence of dark arm hair? An abundance of dark unwanted hair on the arms can be embarrassing. At Ideal Image, our experienced laser practitioners, using state of the art cosmetic lasers can easily treat unwanted arm hair. This is certainly true of patients who have unusually thick or dark arm hair also known as terminal hair. Ideal Image has a variety of different FDA-approved lasers allowing us to customize our treatment to work with your hair and skin color. Treatments are quick and virtually painless. This procedure can usually be performed over a lunch break.
Who performs laser hair removal procedures?
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure. All arm laser hair
removal treatments are performed by one of Ideal Image's well-trained
medical professionals. Each practitioner is extensively trained before
performing any arm and underarm hair removal treatments. Additionally, a
licensed medical doctor serves as a medical director for each
individual center location, and oversees all treatment and competency of
the medical staff.
Coming in for a complimentary Ideal Image consultation is the
most important step towards solving your unwanted arm hair problem. Our
consultants have been asked every question imaginable and are committed
to helping you make the best choice for your arm hair removal goals. We
will answer all of your laser hair removal questions and tell you
exactly what you can expect; and you'll get an agreement in writing.